Write Your Light Collective

A monthly membership for soul-led coaches who want to consistently create content without sacrificing inspiration

Woohoo! It’s time to shine online so your audience is excited to invest in your offers!

You’ve got a massive gift to share and you know consistent content creation is the key to greater visibility. Not to mention, your inner voice is telling you it’s time to be loud!

But so far you haven’t found your content creation sweet spot. Sometimes you get inspired and the posts just flow. But other times it feels like a slog. You spend hours on posts and feel drained. And your content often falls flat without getting the attention of your soul audience.

You might even beat yourself up for not being consistent with sharing content. Which of course doesn’t make the process any more inspiring. 🙄

Your intuition is telling you it should and could be easier. You’d love to…

🔥Finish posts faster and stop feeling like you’re spending All.Your.Time on content

🔥Write hooks and headlines that get people reading — and still feel authentically you

🔥Have leads reaching out to ask about your offer from your organic content

What’s the secret to consistent content creation?

You know it’s NOT “sucking it up” ‘or “powering through.”

In fact, your experience is that your content falls flat when it comes from the energy of trying or forcing.

The kind of consistency that’s the natural after-effect of the high of creation comes from the 4 P’s…


Give yourself space to experiment and iterate. Hone your skills with low-stakes practice. Brainstorm and unleash your voice in a safe circle before you share it with the whole wide world. Get expert feedback so you can make small tweaks that massively uplevel your copywriting.


Writing from your deep purpose overrides the pressure to produce. Tap into your voice and intuitive wisdom. Connect energetically to your audience. You’ll be chomping at the bit to create content so you can inspire people and share the powerful truths that flow straight from your heart.


Tap into tried-and-true templates and techniques instead of reinventing the wheel. Lean into structure so your creativity is free to flow. Channel your energy effectively so it’s not leaking out everywhere. This is how you get faster and more effective at content creation. Which will motivate you to do it more often.


Who wants to keep doing something that feels awful? Anxiety and self-judgment around content creation makes it unappealing. Make commitments you can keep and celebrate wins! Follow the creative process that works for you. Reframe your challenges and lean into your strengths. Build new neural pathways so you can’t wait to write!

Hi, I’m Megan

I’ve trained hundreds of business owners to uplevel their copywriting and content creation.

One thing I’ve seen again and again is that coaches who are led by their passion and big purpose have a fire hose of wisdom to share.

Sometimes it comes rushing out in their content and overwhelms their audience. And sometimes it gets trapped inside, the pressure builds up, and they feel anxiety and dread around creating content.

What’s helped them all is finding the path of easy, authentic expression.

When I invite them to play and practice core content skills with my supportive feedback…

When I guide them to connect intuitively with their authentic voice & their audience…

When I show them the templates and prompts to channel their passion into concise, compelling content…

And when I invite them to trust & track their unique creative process so they can relax and flow…

That’s when they start consistently creating content.

They’ve found a way to make the process fun instead of grueling. They write faster and produce more content. And they’re finally getting positive feedback from their audience, so they’re motivated.

I want this for you, too. This is what we do together in Write Your Light Collective.

Megan helping a business owner find her voice

Let’s activate your voice so you can write your light

Instead of trying to stay on top of consistency by yourself, you can show up in a supportive community where content creation becomes a joyful act of expression.

Our live calls will activate your voice and channel your energy into simple prompts and templates that make it easy to connect with your audience. You’ll find ideas flowing out of you with ease. You’ll leave our calls fired up to write.

And you’ll be supported by a conscious community where your light is amplified and reflected back to you. You’ll be seen and celebrated. So it’s easy to tap into Heart Leadership and create content from you Highest Self.

Results you can expect from Write Your Light Collective

✅ Writing faster and more consistently so content creation feels like a good investment of your time, instead of a like a bottomless blackhole.

✅ More leads reaching out from your organic content because you’re using proven techniques & templates.

✅ Having a cache of content ready to share or schedule because you’re regularly showing up for your content creation time, instead of it falling to the bottom of the to-do list.

✅ Showing up with greater leadership and visibility online because you have an endless supply of great ideas you’re confident will resonate with your audience.

✅ Enjoying content creation instead of dreading it because you’re tweaking your creative process to work for your unique thinking style and business.

✅ Being more magnetic online because you’re sharing your bold truth and the things you really want to say, instead of the same ol’ safe, stale stuff everyone else is saying.

Your membership includes…

​Monthly Workshop Call (60 min) + replay

✔ Energy & intuition activations

✔ Laser-focused prompts & templates

✔ Co-creating, brainstorming, & feedback

​Monthly Office Hours Call (60 min) + replay

✔ Hot-seat coaching

✔ Mindset reframes

✔ Q & A, accountability, & wins

Weekly Copy Feedback

✔ Personalized content reviews via video

✔ Copywriting secrets

✔ Storytelling tips

✔ Hooks, calls to action, and choosing the right topic

Supportive Community  

✔ Social media share threads to boost visibility and engagement online

✔ Pitch and promote threads to flex leadership muscles

✔ Networking “asks” threads to make valuable business connections

✔ Threads for celebration, accountability, and reflection to accelerate growth

This membership is one of the best investments I have made into my business.  Megan’s expertise and feedback go above and beyond. She is encouraging and enthusiastic while offering suggestions helping me create the best piece of content possible. Megan consistently elevates anything I send in for feedback. This makes me excited to share it with my audience and most importantly, gives me the fire to want to write and create marketing materials. I highly recommend WYLC if you need support with writing for your business.

Jen Faye Colombo

Artist & Product Designer

Jennifer Faye Colombo
Jennifer Faye Colombo

I love working with Megan – she really is a gift. The feature I love most about working with her is that she provides me specific feedback about my writing. I have a journalism degree and secretly always wanted to be a writer. But for years I haven’t engaged with it and since joining WYLC it’s relit that flame inside me and I find myself wanting to write all the time.

Megan has made me feel more confident about being vulnerable through my writing and tapping into my authentic self. Also she often provides a perspective I have not thought of, and I believe her skills and teachings have developed my writing skills to enable me to connect with my audience better.

Sarah Page

Career Coach

Are you ready to write your light?

This is a month-to-month membership. There’s no commitment. Except the one you make to yourself to nurture your relationship with your Highest Creativity. 💗💗💗

Each month you stay is one more month of targeted insights to uplevel your content creation. One more month of practicing your skills and refining your copywriting. One more month of receiving my expert feedback and mindset reframes. One more month of building a pattern of self-trust by showing up and shining bright. And one more month of building genuine relationships with the collective so you get to grow, cocreate, and collaborate.

Bonus! For as long as you keep an active membership, you’ll receive a special rate for working with me 1:1 if you decide you want to dive deeper. I can support you to discover your unique creative process, or to receive the channeled messaging to position your premium program as a must-have for your soul clients.

If you’re ready to consistently create content that moves the needle in your business…

Without sacrificing the joyful feeling of writing in flow…

I’m so excited to welcome you to Write Your Light Collective
