Write Your Light Collective
Reclaim content creation as authentic expression and shine your light online!
A monthly membership for soul-led business owners

As a soul-led business owner, you’ve got a big, bold message to share. You see things differently. You’re here to lead change in your industry — and in the world at large! (I love that about you!)
You want to leverage your online content to scale your skills as a connector.
But you’re not here to be told what your content “should” look like, based on TikTok trends or the “marketing must” du jour. You’ve always been an original thinker. Maybe even a maverick. Someone who cares about genuine connection (not superficial small talk) and deep impact (not status symbols).
At the same time, your intuition is telling you content creation shouldn’t eat up so much of your time. After all, you truly mean your message. Shouldn’t there be an easier way to get the words out of your heart and into the world?
You’re ready for a revolutionary take on content creation.
You want to share your authentic voice and bold message so you can…
💥Resonate deeply with your audience and get them leaning in
💥Highlight your rich expertise and unique perspective
💥Shift paradigms and catalyze meaningful change in your industry and in the world
💥Authentically express yourself naturally without forcing it
You’re in exactly the right place to find your creative flow and consistently create authentic business content without…
- feeling the constant pressure to “feed the beast” of social media
- pouring tons of time and energy into your content for little return on your energy
- feeling like there’s a disconnect in your messaging but not knowing how to fix it
You have an untapped superpower for creating impactful content
👉When you combine your empathy and authentic expression…
👉With prompts, templates, & techniques specifically designed for deep thinkers…
You get to create heart-led content faster, more consistently, and with greater ease — instead of continually reinventing the wheel for each new marketing email, LinkedIn update, Facebook post, Instagram carousel, or reel.
This is what’s at the heart of Write Your Light Collective: I provide the prompts, templates, and techniques specifically designed to unlock your creativity and bring your ideas to the surface.
Once your ideas are easily accessible, I show you how to structure them with impact. So you can share stories, sales emails, social media posts, podcast pitches, and more. To connect with your audience and scale your message and mission.
I also provide personalized feedback on your content so you can make small tweaks that uplevel your content. I always share the “why” behind my feedback so that with every content review, you’re learning copywriting principles and secrets.

I love working with Megan – she really is a gift. The feature I love most about working with her is that she provides me specific feedback about my writing. I have a journalism degree and secretly always wanted to be a writer. But for years I haven’t engaged with it and since joining WYLC it’s relit that flame inside me and I find myself wanting to write all the time.
Megan has made me feel more confident about being vulnerable through my writing and tapping into my authentic self. Also she often provides a perspective I have not thought of, and I believe her skills and teachings have developed my writing skills to enable me to connect with my audience better.
Write Your Light Collective is designed so you can…
✅Write faster and more consistently so content creation feels like a good investment of your time, instead of a like a bottomless blackhole.
✅ Create a cache of content ready to share or schedule because you’re regularly showing up for your content creation time, instead of it falling to the bottom of the to-do list.
✅ Show up with greater leadership and visibility online because you have an endless supply of great ideas you’re confident will resonate with your audience.
✅ Enjoy content creation because you’re following your unique creative process, in alignment with your thinking style, your voice, and your business.
✅ Be more magnetic online because you’re sharing your bold truth and the things you really want to say, instead of hiding your light
As a thoughtful, soul-led business owner, I know you’re so DONE trying to make your writing satisfy the Almighty Algorithm or follow a strict script.
It’s exhausting forcing a creative process that a coach or mentor or friend told you “you have to use” — when it doesn’t work for you.
When you speak, teach, or coach, you’re on fire. You want to bring that same energy to creating content.
That’s why I started Write Your Light Collective — to shake shit up.
Because here you are, a brilliant beacon of light. With wisdom to share and lives to transform…
Feeling at the mercy of social media.
I am not OK with the brightest lights being dimmed to try and fit in. Or to be made to feel inferior based on the number of likes they’re seeing.
I’m here to lead a writing revolution. To take back creativity from the clutches of mindless marketing memes. And help you rekindle your inner fire.
So you SHINE like the freaking Spark of the Divine that you are!!!
You deserve to write authentically, from the heart, with impact and scale
I’ve trained hundreds of business owners to uplevel their copywriting and content creation by unleashing their authentic voice.
As an HSP (highly-sensitive person) and Connector, I really suck at small talk. I dive right into the BIG, BOLD TRUTH folks have inside them. And I help them spell it out, step by step, prompt by prompt.
As an intuitive writing coach, my job is to be your Idea Midwife. To help you birth the potent message inside of you. To make it tangible for your audience. To show how incredibly valuable it is. To translate your multidimensional magic into the language of your audience — so they feel the truth of your message in their bones. And your words create a massive ripple effect that changes the world!
What I’ve seen again and again is that business owners who are led by their passion and big purpose have a fire hose of wisdom to share. Sometimes it comes rushing out in their content and overwhelms their audience. And sometimes it gets trapped inside, the pressure builds up, and they feel anxiety and dread around creating content.
I help them release the pressure and anxiety by breaking the content creation process into bite-sized steps and making it fun!
When I invite them to play and practice core content skills with my supportive feedback…
When I guide them to connect intuitively with their authentic voice & their audience…
When I show them the templates and prompts to channel their passion into concise, compelling content…
And when I invite them to trust & track their unique creative process so they can replicate their success and find their creative flow…
That’s when they SHINE.
They find a way to make content creation fun instead of grueling. They write faster and produce more content. And they receive positive feedback from their audience, so they’re motivated to keep writing and sharing consistently!
I want this for you, too. This is what we do together in Write Your Light Collective.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room…
“Consistent content creation” sounds like a real buzzkill.
Putting your inspired creativity on a schedule?
Isn’t that caving to “more, more, more” hustle culture that pressures us to continually throw our words into the gaping maw of social media, trying to appease this insatiable monster?
Nope. Consistency is actually a gift you give to yourself and to your creativity.
Because stopping and restarting content creation uses way more energy than showing up consistently. In the same way it takes more gas to start a car than to keep it running.
Getting your creativity moving from a full stop takes a big push. So you’re losing a lot of energy just deciding to sit down and write. Which leaves you with less energy to tap into your well of inspiration. No wonder creating content can feel like a drain!
On the other hand, when you embrace consistency in your content, you’re staying in conversation with your audience.
This means instead of the pressure to keep coming up with new ideas (and feeling like it’s all been said before!)…
You’re responding to your audience’s questions, needs, desires, challenges, and dreams. That means you’re being fueled by your connection to your audience — rather than trying to generate all the energy by yourself! (This is a total game changer if you get your best ideas by responding to questions or prompts, and/or if you’re a Manifesting Generator in Human Design!)
This membership is one of the best investments I have made into my business. Megan’s expertise and feedback go above and beyond. She is encouraging and enthusiastic while offering suggestions helping me create the best piece of content possible. Megan consistently elevates anything I send in for feedback. This makes me excited to share it with my audience and most importantly, gives me the fire to want to write and create marketing materials. I highly recommend WYLC if you need support with writing for your business.

If you organically unleash an inspired flow of wisdom when someone asks you a question or needs your help…
And you want to channel that wisdom into content that reaches more people and creates more impact…
Write Your Light Collective was designed for you.
Your membership includes…
Monthly Workshop Call (60 min) + replay
✔ Energy & intuition activations
✔ Laser-focused prompts & templates
✔ Co-creating, brainstorming, & feedback
Monthly Office Hours Call (60 min) + replay
✔ Hot-seat coaching
✔ Mindset reframes
✔ Q & A, accountability, & wins
Weekly Content Feedback
✔ Personalized content reviews to make your content shine
✔ Copywriting secrets
✔ Storytelling tips
✔ Hooks, calls to action, and choosing the right topic
Supportive Community
✔ Rich resource library of templates & techniques for authentic content creation
✔ Pitch and promote threads to flex leadership muscles
✔ Networking “asks” threads to make valuable business connections
✔ Threads for celebration, accountability, and reflection to accelerate growth
Are you ready to write your light?
This is a month-to-month membership. There’s no commitment. Except the one you make to yourself to nurture your relationship with your Highest Creativity. 💗💗💗
Each month you stay is one more month of targeted insights to uplevel your content creation.
One more month of practicing your skills and refining your copywriting.
One more month of receiving my expert feedback and mindset reframes.
One more month of building a pattern of self-trust by showing up and shining bright.
And one more month of building genuine relationships with the collective so you get to grow, cocreate, and collaborate.
Bonus! For as long as you keep an active membership, you’ll receive a special rate for working with me 1:1 if you decide you want to dive deeper. I can support you to discover your unique creative process, or to receive the channeled messaging to position your premium program as a must-have for your soul clients.
If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel of content creation…
And start creating content from your highest wisdom and intuition…
So you can speak your truth, rekindle your creative spark, connect with your audience, and scale your impact…
You’re invited to join Write Your Light Collective and shine online.