Influential Storyteller

Make your message more impactful & become the hero of your life’s journey with storytelling

8-week masterclass for deep thinkers & bold leaders

Megan Barnhard on a beach with her hands formed into a heart

As a deep thinker, you’re constantly connecting the dots. You can see the bigger picture, and you have profound wisdom to share. You’ve also got a massive purpose. You’re here to shift paradigms and bring greater hope and possibility to the world.

You’d love to be able to share your stories and move your audience to action. But… your ability to make connections is a double-edged sword. One idea connects to the next, which connects to the next, until you end up with your thoughts in a frustrating tangle, or a story that seems to ramble on forever.

Some planning and order would be awesome… If it weren’t for the fact that you’re a creative. And the idea of a rigid template makes you feel stifled.

>> You’d love to be the person who has a short-and-sweet anecdote to illustrate a key point.

>> Or to be able to pull metaphors out of your back pocket to make your multidimensional magic more tangible.

Influential Storyteller was created especially for you.


You get to learn how to tell captivating stories one step at a time, without…

  • stifling your creativity with rigid templates that suck the inspiration right out of you
  • writing in a vacuum, hoping your ideas land but having no one to give you feedback
  • waiting for something earth-shattering to happen to you before you feel worthy of having a juicy story to tell

As a deep thinker and paradigm shifter, you’re here to lead change.

With influential storytelling, your words have greater impact. Your important message hits home and is remembered.

You connect with people faster, earn their trust, and get them seeing life differently.

Learning to tell powerful stories also shifts the way you see the world.

As an Influential Storyteller, you get to…

🔥Jazz up your keynote talks or trainings so your message sticks and you create massive ripples in collective consciousness

​🔥Create emotional resonance in your marketing content so folks feel excited to take action

​🔥Share client success stories to make your work more tangible so the right people are drawn to you

​🔥See big lessons in small moments so you’re continually examining your life and evolving into the next version of You!

​🔥Metabolize major turning points in your life so there’s less “Woe is me” and more “Whoa! I’m a badass”

Maybe you’ve been told this before. And you’re excited to share stories — especially when every marketing expert from here to Timbuktu is telling you that you need to be using storytelling if you want to captivate your audience.

The problem is no one’s showing you how to build an effective story, one piece at a time.

And if you haven’t saved a bus of school children from a maniacal supervillain, they’ll also tell you that your story isn’t worth sharing.

In influential Storyteller, you’ll learn the foundational storytelling skills that turn you into a brilliant storyteller. From which stories to tell, to how to start and end them, and how to create tension and suspense along the way, so your audience is leaning in, eager to hear your message!

You’ll also learn to see stories all around you, in the most mundane moments of life. So that you have a wealth of stories to share your wisdom — no squeezing into a spandex superhero suit required.

Over the course of 8 weeks in a supportive & intimate community…

>> We’ll be distilling the elements of great storytelling and showing you how to apply them to your own stories. Step by step. Story by story. 

>> You’ll experience your stories reflected back to you through my Story Magician lens so you see how truly impactful they can be. (Often with just a few tweaks!) 

>> And you’ll build your storytelling muscle so you’re seeing stories, analogies, and metaphors everywhere you look.

Beginning October 22!

Your own personal Story Magician…

I call myself a Story Magician because I can see your story with X-ray Vision.

Through all the multiple events that feel disconnected.

Through the mundane moments.

Through the pain, shame, loss, or regret.

I reflect your beautiful journey back to you — showing you how you’re the hero of your own epic.

Being an Influential Storyteller means being brave enough to see your own growth. But when you’re in the story, it’s hard to get that perspective.

This is why it’s so much easier, faster, and more fun to tell your story with support from an expert — who can show you exactly where you are in the arc of your story. And help you include the key events that reveal your powerful message.

As a result of Influential Storyteller you’ll know how to…

Connect with people through storytelling — whether you’re writing marketing content, delivering a keynote speech, or sharing a vulnerable experience in your community

Create impact for your listeners / readers with a clear, compelling message 

Start your stories with a bang to get folks leaning in and wanting to hear more

Lead up to a strong ending (instead of feeling like your story fizzles out)

Add suspense, drama, and gravity to your stories so they resonate deeply with your audience and get folks thinking, feeling, and having A-ha moments that inspire change

Choose which stories to tell, and feel excited about sharing your wisdom and perspective 

See stories in your daily life so you can navigate challenging experiences with greater resilience and calm

How your 8-week storytelling masterclass unfolds…

>> Use inspiring writing prompts to unearth your impactful stories and get excited to write

>> Analyze stories and examples so you build deep storytelling knowledge and feel confident about story structure and flow

>> Write drafts and receive expert feedback so you know exactly how to tweak your stories for maximum impact

>> Strengthen your storytelling muscle through targeted exercises that get you seeing stories in everyday experiences so you always have an engaging, memorable way to deliver your message

>> Step into a community of trust where you can learn from other storytellers and practice being visible in your vulnerability 

October 22 – December 10, 2024

Week 1 ~ 

Story Structure & Authentic Turning Points

Week 2 ~ 

Balancing Vulnerability with Self-Leadership

Week 3 ~ 

Connecting to Your Audience: Emotions, Sensations, Thoughts, and Metaphors

Week 4 ~ 

Delivering Your Message with Impact

Week 5 ~ 

Seeing Stories in Small Moments

Week 6 ~ 

Backstory, Tension, & Pacing for Maximum Impact

Week 7 ~ 

Opening & Closing Lines & Editing with Clarity

Week 8 ~ 

Story Leadership

We meet Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11:00 am PT. Recordings of all classes are available within 24 hours.

What Influential Storytellers are saying… 

I was delighted to be part of that delicious group! And it was one of the best things I’ve done! Thank you Megan, for what appears to be magic!
It was such a beautiful and beneficial experience. I cannot recommend this highly enough. So many tangible tools, time to practice out loud, and an amazing group of humans.
I loved our group, our sessions, our reflections and your loving leadership to help me express my thoughts into stories that can help me market to my tribe in a most authentic way. Thank you for helping me tap into my inner leader through stories that offer relationship building!

You’ll experience…

👉 8 Live Calls

We meet live together for 8 weekly sessions where I’ll share storytelling skills and secrets and answer your questions about the storytelling process and how to apply it to your individual stories. 

👉Practice & Play

Between sessions, you’ll have short assignments to help you apply and embody your storytelling skills so they stick (and so you learn by doing, not just by listening)

👉Personalized Feedback

You’ll receive detailed, personalized feedback on your assignments via video — so you can watch and absorb in your own space, at your own pace. (Many clients tell me they “revise along” with my feedback videos and love how this prevents their Inner Critic from running the show!) You can also rewatch your feedback once our masterclass has ended to help you with future stories!

👉Private Community

Throughout the experience, you’ll have access to our private community space where you can ask me your questions in real time and also connect with other members of the masterclass. This is a place to be seen and celebrated as you bring your authentic, vulnerable self to the party. (Think of it as the practice room where you’re safe to share your works-in-progress before you take them to the public stage!)

Are you ready to become an influential storyteller?

Ready to teach & reach more people and create the impact you know you’re meant to?

Let’s SHOW your audience that you are the leader they’ve been seeking.

So your audience feels a deep and intuitive TRUST in you.

And is ignited to action by your message.

To telling stories that create impact,



Payment plans available.

Enrollment Ends October 18






