Happy Clients

Katie Titi

My content became highly engaging to my key demographic.

After receiving copy coaching from Megan in a business program, I wanted to elevate my copy even more and get clarity around any gaps in my writing or content creation — which can be hard to do outside of a one-to-one container. My content was clarified, holes patched, and it became highly engaging to my key demographic. I received that feedback from people who wrote to me on Instagram. It touched people’s hearts and resonated with the type of people I was looking to attract into my coaching sphere. Megan is super kind, thoughtful, intelligent, intuitive, and knows where to hone in on any gaps in content in a clear and compassionate way. I recommend working with Megan to anyone who’s looking to create magnetic copy for their business (especially those folks who have HSPs in their key demographic).

Katie Titi, Environments Strategist and Creativity Coach

What I loved most about working with Megan, is she didn’t only give me practical guidance on how to improve my writing (even though she did that beautifully!), but she helped me THINK differently about writing. She opened my mind to new ways and angles. This is the kind of support that will keep paying dividends for years to come. This helps me tune into my ideal clients more … I never resonated with the idea of “marketing” or “being salesly.” I just want to speak to my people! Megan helped me do exactly that with more ease. Thank you Megan!

Katie Papo, Host of the Binge Eating to Food Freedom Podcast

This is the kind of support that will keep paying dividends for years to come.

Every week I have more amazing women reaching out.

I started working with Megan because I was stuck trying to get to the soul of my marketing message. I love what I do with a white-hot passion. But that sure wasn’t coming through in my writing. 

Then Megan did something I’d never seen before. In a single session she literally channeled the words I’d been trying to find but couldn’t. Honestly, it was like witnessing something sacred. And it felt that way, too. Then she guided me, week by week, to get out of my head and into my heart. So as I refined my content, it was 1000% true to who I am — and to the women I love helping the most. 

Since then, my writing flows so much easier. And it’s been making a big difference in my business. Every week I have more amazing women reaching out. And over and over they tell me, “I felt like you were talking just to me!”

Sharon Jackman, Hypnosis Specialist for Women

I really needed a spark and insight into my path as a writer. Your ability to be adaptable and constantly reflect my personal light and purpose back to me was critical in keeping me on course and helping me lay a map for how “all the things” I want to achieve fit together.

I received tons of insight on my work as a whole and a massive mindset boost. You truly saw me as a writer and helped me see myself in that light as well as the potential impact my words will have on the world. Seriously, priceless. 

My mama-martyr mentality has been a deep-seated disruptor in my world and you really helped me dismantle it.

I know for sure that working with you was an integral springboard toward a bright future with writing and speaking at the forefront. Thank you for walking beside me. But even more, thank you for truly seeing me. I’m forever grateful!! 

Brandee El-Attar, Coach & Speaker

“Thank you for truly seeing me.”

I’m sooo glad I chose to work with you! This has been such an educational, inspiring and uplifting writing experience! You and your work are absolutely worth the investment! I wanted to work with you to develop a writing practice that I finally enjoy instead of dread, and to write better, more consistent content for my business. I’ve gained a deeper understanding of what makes a good post, and my own editing process for my posts has improved. I can now tell when I’m writing a post if it’s going in the right direction (which I couldn’t do before).

With your great guiding questions I was able to better define my ideal client, and the suggestions you gave me made it easy for me to dig deeper and find out how things play out for my clients in their everyday lives. The prompts you gave me actually inspired me to write. I’ve noticed that I enjoy writing much more when there is a loose structure or prompt that I can follow. Before, I always felt like I had to create something from scratch (a blank page) – now I can go back to templates I’ve created myself, based on your copywriting feedback. This has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. 

Our regular calls were undoubtedly the most supportive during our time together! I really enjoyed brainstorming content ideas with you, asking you questions in real time, and getting immediate feedback. Not having to sit at my desk and write alone has been a huge boost to my motivation and consistency to sit down and write. And I loved all the worksheets, cheat sheets, and prompts you gave me. They were extremely helpful and I used them often (and continue to use them). You’re a genius when it comes to listening and turning what’s said into amazing copy in the blink of an eye. You have wowed me every time with the sentences you’ve reflected back to me. You’re brilliant at streamlining what’s really relevant and pointing out what’s fluff. By watching you do your magic and explaining to me what to look for (you’re an outstanding teacher) I was able to understand so much of that knowledge that I started looking at my content through copywriter’s eyes. 

Anastasia Lengyel, Spiritual Business Mentor

You’re a genius when it comes to listening and turning what’s said into amazing copy in the blink of an eye.”

“I got exactly what I’d hoped for!”

I’m completely immobilized when I think about writing my own story! I’ll just stare and stare and stare at my computer screen for hours. I feel helpless and hopeless and silly. By working with you I hoped to get a wonderfully written story that made me feel like a badass when I read it. Plus, I wanted clarity on what about me would be engaging for others to hear/ read. I got exactly what I’d hoped for!

Sara Yamtich, CEO at Resonate with Sara

“I became clear about who I really wanted to serve!”

I appreciate the process we went through so much. It was incredibly helpful to me to verbally brainstorm, get feedback and have your guidance. Lots of inner reflection and having another perspective was nice. I became clear about who I really wanted to serve! I would so recommend Signature Story to others. You are fun, talented, professional, and personable. You know your stuff.

Dannielle Arceneaux. Owner and Wellness Coach at Elevated Wellness Coaching

Megan has this incredible way of taking your brilliance and channeling it into beautiful copy! I received guidance from her on my sales/landing page and she is so precise in being able to take the intangible (energy) and translate it into tangible copy. She is playful, intuitive, insightful, and knows how to provide suggestions to highlight your zone-of-genius and magic! I highly recommend working with her as she is personable, professional, efficient, and a true gem!

Dr. Christina Fontana, Rapid Transformation Business Coach for Healers in Healthcare

“I highly recommend working with her as she is personable, professional, efficient, and a true gem! ”

I hired Megan as a copy coach for my program Make It Work Online™. In this intensive program, business owners learn to craft clear messaging and compelling offers so they can grow their online business. The copy coaches are integral to client success, providing personalized feedback on sales pages, about pages, pitches, and other content crucial for standing out online. Megan’s enthusiasm and dedication were great assets to the program. Her clients described her as positive, thoughtful, and kind, and having a knack for identifying the exact areas of copy that need more honing. She is always encouraging yet also holds clients to a high standard so that their copy is clear, concise, and compelling. Megan brings an upbeat, proactive attitude to her work as a coach, and I’m grateful for her contributions not only to her clients, but also to the coaching team. I highly recommend Megan to business owners who want to learn how to write copy that resonates with their ideal customers so they can grow their business.

Jenny Shih, Business Coach

Your supportive and encouraging comments really boosted my confidence. I can’t help but get energised and inspired by your excitement and how you show up. I love all the prompts too, which help me to keep thinking about writing and figuring out what works, thinking through the challenges and getting help to see through my blocks. One other thing that works for me is that you’re not scoldy or judgey and I always felt met where I was and that made it easier to take the next step. I struggle with so much self-doubt and self-criticism which can cripple me and my creative efforts so all the words of affirmation and ways in which you helped me validate and celebrate what I had done were key. 

Michelle Ayn Tenssensohn, Master Coach & Meditation Teacher

“…you’re not scoldy or judgey and I always felt met where I was…”

​I have gained the ability to release my blocks to speaking my truth without having to prove anything to my clients or feel like I have to hook them into a sale or working with me. I gained the ability to write much more clearly and concisely on the topics I have chosen to write content about. My writing process has become much clearer, more concise and I feel so much more freedom. I went far deeper into the depth of what was blocking my writing below the surface that I did not expect to uncover. You are a gifted channel, so much fun, extremely professional and efficient and really a dream coach to work with.

Allecia Maine, Ph.D., The Animal Heeler

It was such a blessing to have you by my side as my word/story Doula. The way you held space for me, my spinning mind, my excited heart, my story, my ideas, and my upcoming book was simply magical. I adored the fact that you made it playful from the start, and that we had such soulful and vivid conversations about my ideas. I was longing for clarity and a narrative that would make sense of all the messiness in my head. What I experienced was waaaay more than that. I allowed myself to drop the pressure of writing something perfect. I felt with every cell of my body the joy of writing, the excitement of telling and sharing stories without focusing too much on the outcome. You came up with the questions I needed to hear and provided the guidance that felt just perfect to me! You truly are a word alchemist and I am so grateful that you helped me to untangle my thoughts and make writing feel easy and fun for me again!

Vanessa Sanchez-Willems, Owner of HeartSeeds

I decided to start working with Megan because I had finally found my true coaching niche and I needed to update my website so that it would speak to my ideal clients. I had been in business for about a year and I had thrashed around for the better part of it trying to figure out who I was as an independent coach and who I loved to serve. I was so excited to have gained clarity in this area, however, when it came time to put “pen to paper” (so to speak) and come out to the world as a coach who helps women break free from self-doubt… I was totally stuck.

Megan was instrumental in helping me realign how I talked about who I was and what I do in a way that really captured the essence of my journey and my work. I felt like I was just on the cusp of breaking through before working with Megan and she knew how to ask the right questions, suggest the right turns of phrase, and push me where I needed to be pushed so that I could actually break through.

I would say that the aspect of our coaching that has had the biggest impact is Megan’s ability to see me. She was really able to get what I was trying to say and do with my writing and pull it out of me.

My website feels completely aligned now and when I talk about the work that I do with the people who I’m meant to serve, they get it. I am so very grateful for the help that Megan provided. I could not have made this shift without her assistance.

Nayla Mitha, Leadership & Life Coach

It’s hard to put into words the magic that Megan provides when you work with her. It’s a unique fusion of spiritual finesse, potent words, gorgeous articulation, profound truth, and deep insights. The kind of work that leaves you with your jaw on the ground and soul-level gratitude for having crossed paths. Megan was able to understand and wrap words around my particular gifts, reflecting them back to me in a way I’ve never experienced before. I had been searching for someone who had similar abilities to me, who could provide a type of objective mirroring. It would have saved me years of work and frustration if I’d been able to find her earlier. So, if you’re thinking about working with Megan, don’t hesitate for one moment. Rather, listen to your heart, trust the higher-level guidance you’re receiving, and be prepared to be absolutely wowed. Megan will astound you.

Dani Alkhemi, Creator of The ATEN Method™

Megan is a word wizard! She listens, observes, and intuits magic inside you. She produces brilliant ideas to help you get your message out and onto paper. I came away with the most incredible insights about myself, my brand, and the best way to speak my gifts to the world. In one hour, I gained 100 nuggets of wisdom. Thank you, Megan xo

Denise Morrison, Transformational Health & Life Coach

“Megan is a word wizard!”

Megan, can I say you’re magic? Before this call I was holding back on writing my book. I was always saying I wasn’t ready yet or didn’t have the time. But now I’m excited to finish it! I can even visualize it in my hands now. It’s real.

You outlined my book, made its purpose and audience very clear, helped me find a writing process that works for me and even gave me the next steps to keep going. In 90 mins!

You create a beautiful container for ideas to flow in these calls and also identify the structure in my loose drafts. I felt so free and safe to be creative and tell my story with you, even when it wasn’t clear in the beginning to me because I know I can trust you’ll help me make meaning and put everything together in a delightful storyline. Now that I can see the value in this, I can’t NOT write it. It’s a mission. Your ability to piece together the best of what someone says to you and see exactly where this is going is priceless.

Lais Scort, Sound Priestess & Soul Seer

Megan helped me put the project into perspective and gave me space and encouragement to bounce ideas around about characters and layout. I especially liked being able to work on whatever was most pressing for each session. The fluidity of the sessions really appealed to me. I knew what to do, I just needed somebody to grab me by the shoulders and be like YOU CAN DO THIS. I would recommend Megan to other illustrators, and especially anybody struggling with a lot of resistance around creating anything. I wish I’d hired her sooner.

Katie Chappell, Illustrator

“I wish I’d hired her sooner.”

My goal was to take my writing to another level. I knew I could write well but something was missing that made people want to reach out to ask how they could work with me. I’m loving writing again! It had become a bit stale and tedious for me after several years of doing things the way others do it. It’s now number 3 on my list of priorities, right behind self care and serving clients. It had slipped way down the list because I was bored with it. People are now reaching out to ask what I’m up to, they’re seeing the change in my content and saying it’s like I’m reading their mind. I didn’t realise I was waiting for ‘permission’ to have fun and show my sense of humour in my content, but apparently I was! Allowing myself to be playful and fun when talking about money and business is so liberating! I feel SO READY for the next phase of growth in my business, you’ve helped me tap into that strong leadership energy and bring it through in my writing.

Deirdre Amies, Business & Money Mindset Coach

“If you have the chance to work with Megan, I highly recommend it.”

I booked an Uncover Your Investor Message with Megan, and I ended up with my Investor Message and a new 4-week program! Megan came to the session fully briefed on the material I’d sent her, and I felt she already knew my client and ME, before we even started so our time together was full-on. What’s more, she was brilliant at honing in on what I was doing with my clients in a way I’d only briefly considered before, but it suddenly seemed so obvious! After our session, as I was re-drafting my offer based on Megan’s feedback, I saw a new program staring me in the face. I’d wanted a shorter starter program for a long time, but I’d never managed to tune into it. But now I have it, and the name came through too! The shorter program came about because of how Megan helped break down my work and tune into the energy of my soul client. If you have the chance to work with Megan, I highly recommend it. I loved our time together.

Michele Ivory, The Serenity Mentor

My goal was to stop struggling to come up with content all the time. My content went from lame tips and tricks to really deep insights that resonated with a lot of people. My audience grew quite a bit. I now have a method to generate content anytime I need because you taught me how to “tap into” that place where my passionate voice comes from. I was surprised that I was able to write lengthier posts that people actually enjoyed reading. Prior to working with you I couldn’t fathom doing this — probably because I didn’t realize I had a lot of good stuff to say. You really had a magical way of drawing out that wise writer that was hiding inside me. You gave me clear cut instructions and things to focus on after each session and I loved how you checked in with me and gave me suggestions throughout the week on different directions I could take in my content. I would recommend you to anyone looking to level up their writing/content game, especially women entrepreneurs who want to make a massive impact and get their message to the masses.

Dr. Maleen Avery, Executive Medical Director of Rebel Medicine

I have so much more clarity in who I serve and my offerings themselves. I also feel more confident and in flow with my writing. The way you supported me was perfect. You never made me feel judged or bad about my lack of progress at times. You were responsive and always there to support me with compassion and leadership, even when I was losing my shit at times. You truly have helped to boost my confidence as a writer and business owner. You’ve taught me to own my leadership energy!

Merilee Smith, Life Change Accelerator Coach and Drama Disruptor

Copy is key when it comes to marketing. Fortunately, one of my coaching clients knew the value of great copy and hired Megan to assist her with blogging. I participated in a brainstorming session they had and experienced Megans magic. Megan knows how to ask the right questions, get the important details and condense it into a compelling hand-crafted masterpiece. She is truly a Story Magician! I recommend her services to all my clients.

Chantel Beauregarde, Founder and Creative Director at Brandit360

“She is truly a Story Magician!”

“Megan asks the best questions and has laser focus on getting the job done.”

I had an important public speaking event and knew I needed an interesting yet accessible speech. My field is complex and emerging, so I was a little stuck on how to best proceed. Megan asks the best questions and has laser focus on getting the job done. I could tell that she really wanted to understand my ideas so that she could help me communicate them in the best way possible.

Together we created a speech that I felt super proud to give, and it was very well received. People used words like powerful and graceful to describe their experience at my talk, which is exactly what I wanted! Megan’s understanding of what it’s like to struggle to write helped put me at ease, and she made the writing process so accessible. I felt super supported. I would recommend Megan to learners of all ages, and to anyone who needs help with anything written. I just wish I’d sought her out sooner!

Jade Rivera, Author, and Education Innovator

THE WORK WAS EMPOWERING! It was IMMENSELY helpful in helping me further my thoughts, think along clear lines, elaborate on previously unformed ideas, and actually find order within the chaos. It was literally like a conjurer making something concrete out of nothing! Simply put, my project would never have gotten off the ground, let alone be something really worthwhile and rewarding!!

Ruchi Rai, Author, Speaker, and Educator

“It was literally like a conjurer making something concrete out of nothing!”