by Megan Barnhard | Aug 24, 2020 | Blogging, Content Creation, Writing Process
You’re tippy-tapping along like a Kermit the Frog GIF. Yes! You’re on a roll. You’ll have this blog post / email / social post / video script finished in no time! <<Cut to an hour later and your writing is still growing. >> The ideas keep...
by Megan Barnhard | Apr 28, 2020 | Authors
Your first draft is a sketch. As author Terry Pratchett said, “It’s just you telling the story to yourself.” You will have a chance to revise and edit later. To get the most out of your drafting time, you want to allow your inner five-year-old to...
by Megan Barnhard | Dec 10, 2019 | Blogging, Writing Mindset
I keep a tissue box in every room of my house. Between my fall allergies, my husband’s spring allergies, loving spicy food and sad movies, and owning a shedding cat, we need them. (If I’m honest I maybe also have a what-if-I-need-to-blow-my-nose-right-now...
by Megan Barnhard | Oct 1, 2019 | Blogging, Entrepreneurs
There you are, all ready to create great content. Except for one teensy, weensy problem: You’re all out of ideas. Is this your go-to catch phrase? > I don’t have anything else to say! Or maybe this one? > All my ideas suck. Well, speaking of sucking,...
by Megan Barnhard | Jun 18, 2019 | Writing Process
I was in Corvallis, Oregon, for a conference at the beginning of June. MIWO Live is the live business retreat component of Make it Work Online™, led by the peerless Jenny Shih. I was honored to be a part of making this event happen, including leading a workshop on...